ME Hollywood Films Corporation
Corporation Compliance Policy:
ME Hollywood Films Corporation Los Angeles.
Our CEO's Public Statement
Our reputation for high standards of business conduct and integrity is one of our greatest assets, as it enables us to continue to provide high quality global entertainment and employment. As part of ME Hollywood Corporations commitment to integrity, we have periodically adopted policies and procedures to protect against unlawful activity.
Among these are the provisions of ME Hollywood's Corporate Compliance Program that specifically addresses areas that may be susceptible to unlawful behavior within the context of our business.
Integrity, in the broadest sense, must govern our actions in all of our relationships, not just with clients, and our associates but also with employees, the general public, studios, distributors, broadcasters and each other. From each employee, I ask that you make a personal commitment to adhere to the guiding principles set forth in the applicable policies and procedures of ME Hollywood Corporation and dedicate yourselves to at all times, on set and in our offices:
Obeying the applicable laws and regulations governing our international corporation. Being honest, fair and trustworthy in all of your activities and relationships.
Avoiding all conflicts of interest between work and personal affairs. Fostering an atmosphere in which equal opportunity extends to every member of our diverse company. Striving to create a safe workplace and to protect the environment.
Fostering leadership at all levels, so as to sustain a culture where ethical conduct is recognized, exemplified and valued by all employees and by others doing business with ME Hollywood Films Corporation.
Establishing accountability for compliance at all times. If you have any questions or concerns about what is appropriate conduct for you or your colleagues or the company itself, please promptly contact your supervisor or ME Hollywood’s Compliance Officer or feel free to submit an anonymous letter. Concern about appropriate conduct will be promptly addressed with professionalism, care and respect. ME Hollywood does not condone questionable or criminal conduct by employees or others.
Our reputation can be severely damaged, and our mission jeopardized, if even one employee violates the law. Failure to report observed or known instances of gross misconduct, wrongful activity or criminal conduct may be grounds for sanctions, ranging from reprimand to termination. We are open for business Mon thru Fri 10 am to 5pm, no meetings on Fridays, casual office dress down is permitted Fridays.
Our offices are closed weekends, we accept no communication weekends period.
At ME Hollywood Films Corporation Los Angeles, Compliance Policy Statement It is the intent of Macino Entertainment Hollywood Films Corporation Los Angeles (hereinafter, [ “ME Hollywood Films Corporation” ] to uphold the integrity and ethical conduct of a participant in federal and state programs and other business arrangements. We do not store or process data on anyone nor do we keep records of people under the data protection act. Our on line stores are operated and managed by a Separate entity.
ME Hollywood has strived to gain a reputation for lawful and ethical behavior performance & passion, a reputation to which you and your colleagues, both past and present, have contributed since our beginning.
ME Hollywood expects all employees, agents and executives to conform to the highest ethical standards and to avoid even the appearance of wrongful conduct. You are privileged to work for ME Hollywood Films Corporation. We must all respect this policy of complaince, every day and in every way, preserve and strengthen our commitment to total, unyielding excellence and integrity.
Yours Faithfully,
Myke Macino, CEO.
Myke Macino.
Click On Any City For Contact: Los Angeles London Miami Paris Tokyo Madrid Monaco Honolulu Rio de Janeiro
Our Main Offices Switchboard & Reception Desk in Los Angeles CA Mon thru Fri 10 am to 5 pm Tel: +1 213 788 7770.
Please do not visit any of our global offices without an appointment, Or to deliver mail or anything else. As you will not be seen by any executive and security will not allow you into the buildings. CCTV & 24 Hr Camera Operations in Progress.nor do we accept any unsolicited phone calls, or material, scripts, gifts, e-mail's or faxes or anything else. All emails , phone calls and communication is fully monitored twenty four hrs a day, seven days a week by and our international security division, see our Legal disclaimer Click here.